Monday, March 29, 2010


->> Abnormal cell growth in the cervix (opening from the vagina to the uterus)
->> HPV infection occurs in the cervix and cervical cancer can develop

->> Infection by the "high risk" (cancer causing) HPV types.
->> These infections have no symptom and the majority will resolve without any need for treatment.
->> In some cases, the infection can persist, leading to cervical cancer.
->> Cervical cancer can take several years to develop, most women will be unaware that they have cervical cancer until the late stages.

Ref : De Villers EM, et al. Virology 2004; 324:17-27

HPV vaccine are now available at Nadi Iman Medical at only RM250. HURRY!!! GET IT NOW!!!

Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is combination of rescue breathing (mouth-to-mouth resuscitation)and chest compressions that are probably your best bet to help your loved one survive.

While CPR is unlikely to restart the heart, it can save a person's life by restoring breathing and circulation until advanced life support can be given by health care providers. If a person isn't breathing or circulating blood adequately, CPR can restore circulation of oxygen-rich blood to the brain. Without oxygen, permanent brain damage or death can occur in less than eight minutes.

CPR performed properly and promptly can help victims survive long enough to receive treatment with advanced medical techniques. HOWEVER, CPR practiced by an untrained individual may be potentially harmful. While you can read up manuals or look up methods on the internet, remember that learning from written material alone does not constitute a CPR course.

To gain the skills of CPR it is useful to practice on mannequins with properly trained instructors as guides.


Why Learn CPR?

CPR can help save lives. CPR is easy to learn. It's just a simple series of actions that can save the life of someone close to you, anytime and anywhere. If you don't know CPR, perhaps it's time to learn. Do it for some one you love and save a life.

Who Should Attend?

Anyone can learn CPR. Adult, children, men and women. However, it is a priority for family members and friends of patients at high risk, day care providers, baby sitters, teachers and anyone likely to encounter an emergency.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (ABPM)- 24 HOURS

Di Malaysia seramai 4,800,000 orang adalah penghidap penyakit darah tinggi. Mengikut kajian klinikal mengenai penyakit Darah Tinggi oleh Kementerian Kesihatan, 43% daripada rakyat Malaysia yang menghidapi penyakit Darah Tinggi adalah dalam lingkungan umur 30 tahun ke atas. 64% daripadanya tidak tahu bahawa mereka menghidapi penyakit Darah Tinggi, manakala 26% daripanya tahu mereka menghidapi penyakit ini. Keadaan ini membawa kepada ancaman pembunuh senyap kepada 64% rakyat Malaysia. Oleh itu semua rakyat Malaysia seharusnya sentiasa mengambil berat berat dan memantau sekiranya menghidapi penyakit Darah Tinggi atau tidak.

Kini di Nadi Iman Medical menyediakan servis terbaru bagi memantau dan mengawal terjadinya penyakit Darah Tinggi beserta penyakit-penyakit yang terbitnya dari penyakit Darah Tinggi itu sendiri. Antara penyakit yang terbit daripada penyakit Darah Tinggi adalah 'Artherosclerosis' dan ini seterusnya membawa kepada kegagalan fungsi jantung, strok dan penyakit buah pinggang.

Justeru itu kami ingin memperkenalkan 'Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring -24 Hours' (ABPM) yang berupaya memantau tekanan darah manusia selama 24 jam. Mesin ini tidak seperti mesin tekanan darah yang lain kerana ia berbentuk seperti jam dan tidak mengganggu aktiviti seharian. ABPM ini akan menunjukkan setiap tekanan darah, nadi dan ini memudahkan doktor mendiagnos penyakit yang dialami oleh pesakit.

Cara memakai ABPM ini adalah seperti berikut :

Di akhir pemantauan pesakit akan diberikan report hasil 24 jam memakai jam tersebut. Bentuk report adalah seperti di bawah.